PD Dr. Christian Kell
Department of Neurology
Cognitive Neuroscience Group
Schleusenweg 2-16
60528 Frankfurt
Tel +49 (0) 69 6301 6395
E-Mail: c.kell@em.uni-frankfurt.de
Scientific Focus
Our Cognitive Neuroscience group is interested in the mechanisms that drive human behavior. We focus on the question how complex brain networks are set up and try to understand how temporal properties of brain function orchestrate neural computation in these networks.
Our research focuses on the speech production network and involves basic research but also studies on clinical conditions. Speech constitutes a highly social behavior that allows studying functional loops which integrate feedforward and feedback information. We are particularly interested whether the temporal properties of sensorimotor processes contribute to lateralization of speech production. We currently test our predictions derived from functional imaging experiments of healthy volunteers in patients suffering from brain tumor or Parkinson’s disease. Our basic research questions contribute to the understanding of pathophysiology and recovery mechanisms in the studied pathological conditions and may hopefully translate into better therapeutic approaches.
Electrocorticography and direct cortical stimulation during awake brain surgery and invasive epilepsy monitoring, Magnetoencephalography, functional MRI
Selected Publications
Floegel, M, Kasper J, Perrier, P, Kell CA (2023) How the conception of control influences our understanding of actions. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 24(5): 313-29.
Floegel M, Fuchs S, Kell CA (2020) Differential contributions of the two cerebral hemispheres to temporal and spectral speech feedback control. Nature Communications, 11(1): 2839 doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-16743-2
Pflug A, Gompf F, Muthuraman M, Groppa S, Kell CA (2019) Differential contributions of the two human cerebral hemispheres to action timing. eLife, 8: 48404 doi: 10.7554/eLife.48404.
Cordani L, Tagliazucchi E, Vetter C, Hassemer C, Roenneberg T, Stehle JH, Kell CA (2018) Endogenous Modulation of Human Visual Cortex Activity Improves Perception at Twilight. Nature Communications, 9(1): 1274 doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-03660-8.
Kell CA, Neumann K, von Kriegstein K, Posenenske C, von Gudenberg AW, Euler H, Giraud AL (2009) How the brain repairs stuttering. Brain, 132(10): 2747-60.