Prof. Horst-Werner Korf
is the director of the newly founded Dr. Senckenbergisches Chronomedizinisches Institut SCI
Prof. Thomas Deller
vize-speaker of the DFG-Forschergruppe 1332 “Physiological functions of the APP-Gene Family in the central nervous system”
Prof. Dr. Dr. Gerd Geisslinger
member of EuroPain, the european network against chronic pain
Founding of the Interdisciplinary Brain Vascular Center at the Frankfurt University Clinic
The new center combines strengths to offer patients with brain vascular diseases the most up to date treatment. The cause of strokes is disrupted blood supply to the brain and hemorrhaging inside the cranium, which can result in permanent disability or even death.Thanks to modern diagnostics and imaging techniques it is possible to recognize earlier, and effectively treat stoke-causing diseases affecting blood vessels supplying the brain, and thus prevent a stroke. This requires close collaboration between the specialist areas of neurology, neurosurgery, neuroradiology and vascular surgery.
The Neuroradiological Institute has the most modern magnetic resonance tomagraph in the world for investigating neurological diseases and neurosurgical disorders
The new instrument is located in the Institute for Neuroradiology, led by Prof. Dr. Friedhelm Zanella, and for the first time combines an magnetic field of 3 Tesla with a particularly large magnet opening of 70 centimeters – both marked improvements for the patient, since they decrease examinations times, improve image quality and increase the comfort of the instrument.
The Adolf Messer Foundation is funding a study at the Institute for Cellular and Molecular Anatomy
Prof. Dr. Abdelhaq Rami, a scientist working at the Institute for Cellular and Molecular Anatomy, is investigating the molecular mechanisms that can lead to the destruction of nerve cells following a stroke or other form of brain damage. The aim is to elucidate the cell death machinery in order to develop new possibilities for therapeutic intervention in stroke cases. The study is being funded by 81,000 Euro from the Adolf Messer Foundation.
Heredoataxia Prize 2008 for ICNF researcher
On 15.03.2008, PD Dr. Rüb, member of the research group Clinical Neuroanatomy, was awarded the 2008 Heredoataxia Prize by the German Heredoataxia Society e.V. (DHAG). Heredoataxia, or hereditary ataxia, is the name given to rare neurodegenerative diseases of the nervous system that progress insidiously, eventually leading to the affected patients suffering severe motor disruption (ataxia).
Ageing research at the ICNF
The new edition of “Forschung Frankfurt” focusses on several aspects of ageing research – including articles of the ICNF members Auburger, Eckert & Müller, Ghebremedhin & Deller, Knopf, Pantel & Uhlhaas